The only way to achieve the impossible
is to believe it is possible.
– Charles Kingsleigh
The above quotation reflects the mission of MIT’s
world-class support staff and the exceptional work
we do every day.
With over 1,500 support staff at MIT’s main campus, and 400+ at Lincoln Laboratory and other facilities, MIT support staff help Departments, Labs
and Centers achieve the impossible.
MIT support staff are a diverse group, from distinctive academic, social, and cultural backgrounds.
“Some work off campus, some work night shifts, some are doctors, some are lawyers, some are librarians, and many are engineers and scientists.”
– from Advancing a Respectful and Caring Community, MIT ICEO
MIT support staff are proud to work at MIT and uphold its mission.
Support staff have advanced degrees, specialized training, and staunch dedication to MIT’s mission. We have many accomplishments, and we are committed to MIT’s global mission and goals. By inspiring our accomplishments and promoting our careers, the Working Group for Support Staff provides an ideal platform to promote MIT’s mission, both now and in the future.