
Currently, there are seven active subcommittees, each supporting the mission of the WG while creating unique identities of their own. If you don’t know which one you want to join, feel free to contact the co-chairs or other members of the subcommittees for more information.

The current subcommittes are:

Membership: the gateway to WGSS. Members actively track the membership list for updates and changes. They also secure a caterer for each monthly meeting, provide check-in at monthly meetings and at the annual Kendall Hotel Event Planners luncheon. A report after each monthly meeting is provided to the current co-conveners to determine the ratio of WG members v. support staff who attend our monthly meetings.
Shelly Isaac is the current co-chair of the Membership subcommittee.

Communication: keeping our WG members and support staff current with any communications sent to the MIT community. The Communications subcommittee maintains the supstaff and the wg mailman email lists.
Roger White is the current co-chair of the Communications subcommittee.

Artists Beyond the Desk: for over three decades, ABD has presented a Wednesday lunchtime concert series, readings, and visual art exhibitions. ABD sponsors arts groups on campus such as the Meridian Singers. Although some members of ABD are themselves artists and performers, most are not and view membership in the group as a way of giving back to MIT by organizing arts programs, activities, and events on campus. If you would like to join us, please send an email to or email the co-chairs.
Salvatore Angelone is the current co-chair of the Artists Beyond the Desk subcommittee.

Working Green: promoting eco-friendly behavior throughout the Institute.
Rebecca Fowler and Gianna Hernandez are the current co-chairs.

Professional Development
Ruth Levitsky and Ruth Yiu are the current co-chairs of the Professional Development subcommittee.

Craft Fair: reaching out to MIT community crafters including student groups so they have a venue to sell their crafts in late Fall and Spring. Part of the money raised supports the Working Group.
The Craft Fairs are currently on hiatus due to the pandemic.

Civility and Respect: contributes to a civil, respectful, and equitable work environment at MIT. The Civility and Respect subcommittee meets monthly and sponsors presentations to highlight topics affecting MIT support staff and the wider community.
Betty Lou McClanahan and TBD are the current co-chairs of the Civility and Respect subcommittee.


Sunsetted subcommittee

The Parental Task Group: focused on the parenting rights and equity of MIT’s support staff community. Issues successfully advocated for include access to lactation rooms, bridging the financial gap for MIT daycare, and providing subsidies for off-campus daycare. The success of these staff advocacy efforts is evidenced by the existence of the 
MIT Center for WorkLife and WellBeing, an MIT office providing benefits advanced by the Parental Task Group, and more. See their offerings at: